Biryani Food Of Hyderabad

Biryani Food

Hyderabad Deccan, who was once famous for the lifestyle and rule of his Nawabs, is famous worldwide today because of the ingredients unique spices, and foods such as biryani. The main reason for this is the nawabs’ food ingredients and unique types of spices. The Nawabs were also removed after the end of UK rule in India. So many cooks also became unemployed. Some of these cooks made their hotels for their earnings. And many have found jobs in another place. Thus, the unique types of spices and their methods became commonplace and very popular.

But in reality, the ingredients of a Nawabi meal are not commonly used. Most of the ingredients in these foods were very expensive. Because saffron and other expensive ingredients cannot be used in any normal hotel or home. Slowly, these important ingredients disappeared from these foods, and those who used these ingredients correctly also left this world. Thus, very few people know the complete composition of these Nawabi foods.

The past is still present

Yes, in the Nawab states, their cooks and their descendants are still involved in the cooking or hotel industry. They still know

these ingredients and spices. And most of them do not share their knowledge with others. That’s why some foods are still their rule. All over the country and in other countries around the world, these prepared foods are very famous. Although they also do not add any expensive ingredients to these dishes, they are still amazing in taste because they only know the cooking method.

Ingredients and Recipe

Of Food

One of them is a food whose local name is Hyderabad biryani, and its ingredients are these.

Cow meat, one kilogram of rice, one kilogram of onion, turmeric half meal tablespoon, half kilo tomato, ginger two tablespoons, pure ghee two cups, saffron two tablespoons, two tablespoons of cayenne pepper, two potatoes, garlic, One spoon of ground coriander, one and a half cups of curd, Cloves, cinnamon, black cumin masala, six potatoes, two lemons, and salt to taste.

Cooking recipe Add curd, ginger, garlic, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, black cumin, and red pepper in a big bowl and mix well. Put the meat in the same cup, mix well, and keep it for an hour. After one hour, add water to boil the meat very well. Add the onions to the ghee and fry them until they turn golden. Put the tomatoes, turmeric, and cayenne pepper in it. Fry it well.

Put the boiled meat in it and make gravy. Boil the rice well in water. After boiling, drain the water from the rice. Now add a little ghee to the meat gravy that was prepared earlier in the pot. Now place the tomato slices in another clean, open vessel and put a layer of rice on them. Put a layer of gravy on top of the rice. Then put another layer of rice on top of this layer. Now, after five minutes, add saffron mix and milk to the layers of rice and cover well for ten minutes After ten minutes, the very delicious and fragrant Hyderabadi Biryani will be ready.

Dear friends! nearly all foods of nature are seasonal. It is very necessary to eat seasonal foods. Unseasonal foods make you unfit. I would like to inform you that this nawabi food is also seasonal. It should be used in the winter season.

A Very Tasty Recipe

A tried-and-tested recipe by myself and some other food preparation friends is that for any food that is a major component of meat, if the fresh fat of the same animal or another animal is used instead of ghee or oil, then the taste of the food is doubled.

Especially if this recipe is served with rice and meat, the pleasure and taste increase so much that it is not to be described but to taste and feel. So I would request all my friends that once you try your food, which consists of rice and meat or some other ingredients, use fresh animal fat instead of ghee and give you the pleasure of Nawabi in every dish.

Another important suggestion is that you should cook food on a wood fire in a vessel made of clay because high-fire and metal vessels harm both the quality and taste of the food. Particularly, When you cook seasonal foods.

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