False Religious History

False History

Some think that the seer is blind and the hearer is deaf. This is not the fault of hearing and sight.
It is the fault of prejudice, hatred, false ego, and lack of knowledge. All of this would have been due to our false religious and secular history and our current false intellectuals. In every big tragedy in the world, they’re a big share of our false religious history. Then there is the big part of brainwashing in describing it.
Then the story and picture wrapped in lies and hypocrisy is presented to us and we accept every story that has our religious and national color. Because the man by nature loves a lie that includes our own religious and national dignity. Even if this lie causes another tragedy. One can only guess what will be the reality of events centuries before today. Humans are so cruel nd selfish that are not ready to wash clean their false religious history due to evil intention.


No Difference Between Cave And Space

Only matter changes its form. Human character is the same for eternity. It is a very cruel, false, hypocritical, selfish, and conspiratorial creature. To understand aristocracy and bestiality, one has to look very carefully at the man of the past and the man of the past. If the reader has a particle of consciousness, his forehead gets wet with the sweat of remorse۔It shows that a long black veil of oppression and evil has covered the earth۔The reader suffocates. It seems to him that stories of wild animals have been formed in human form.

Somewhere good and beautiful pictures are found who are away from false religious history but it is as if after a long time in a foreign country one finds one’s beloved citizen۔But this meeting ends after a short time with sighs, prayers, and promises. The reader begins to think again about why there is such a deep connection between man, wheat, apple, and the atom bomb.


Nobility And Bestiality

The difference between nobility and bestiality is only in thought. If the mind stays awake, stays awake, guards, and beautifies itself, then it can cross the infinite circle of nobility. The journey from earth to heaven is like a bow۔

If human thinking is locked or rusty, it can conquer a vast field of animalism and defeat all animals. Even if it is not locked or rusty, even if it is only limited, this darkness travels so much that at the end of it, there is a signboard that those who do not use their intellect are worse than animals. In religious history of human we find majority of beasts in shape of man.


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