Food of Subcontinent


Friends, today you will be introduced to a food that you may have never eaten. It can be said with certainty that the new generation must not have used this food. It is said that this food traveled from ancient Greece to the subcontinent. Then it settled here. This food, called Pini in the local language, is very delicious, rich in nutrition, has a unique aroma, and is also a medicine.

Efficacy of Food 

The ingredients in Pini are 100% natural. The method of preparing it is also natural. I have already written in many of my blogs that the food is 100% natural, its preparation is also natural, and that the food is unmatched in its efficacy and taste. This food is an excellent remedy for weakness of the human body, joints of the human body, sexual problems, mental strength, and especially for the strength or pain of the spine, knee pain, athlete’s energy, and phlegm.

My experience


I have eaten this great blessing of God many times. I have found it to be eternal food. It is not only my experience but also the result of many friends that it is a very effective food and medicine because it removes many organ weaknesses in our body without any medicine. As you know, I am of the firm opinion that a person should eat food according to his body and the temperament of the food. If the food is not eaten according to the temperament of the body, then the food causes harm instead of benefit.

Temperament of Food 

Pani is hot food. But the ghee, jaggery, almonds, and coconut in their ingredients have a cooling effect. Therefore, it is less hot. So this natural food can be eaten by all people. Yes, hot-tempered people should stop eating it for a few days until they feel the body is too hot or feel heavy in the stomach after using this food. This miraculous food for cold-tempered bodies is no less than a blessing. With a cold-tempered body and a particularly weak cold-tempered body after eating pini, I cannot say that I feel any kind of weakness or pain.

Food industries, their facilitators, and advertising have done extreme cruelty and great sin by depriving man of purely natural foods. Humans have been deprived of many of God’s pure blessings. Due to this cruelty, today crores of people are being treated for diseases caused by the poor food prepared by them. Despite the numerous problems of the food mafia, it has not yet been able to stand up against it.


Ingredients Of This Food


Here are the ingredients for pini. The main ingredient in Pini is fenugreek. Two pounds of fenugreek seeds, one kilo of coarsely ground chickpeas, half a kilo of ground wheat, One kilo of small rice, two cups of dry coconut, one pound of almonds, 1 pound of walnuts, two pounds of peanuts, and two kilograms of cow ghee A quantity of jaggery equal to the weight of all other articles except the weight of ghee. According to your taste, the weight of jaggery can be reduced or increased. I will not go into the details of the vitamins and minerals of these items۔ 

Pani is hot food. But the ghee, jaggery, almonds, and coconut in their ingredients have a cooling effect. Therefore, it is less hot. So this food can be eaten by all people. Yes, hot-tempered people should stop eating it for a few days until they feel the body is too hot or feel heavy in the stomach after using this food. This miraculous food for cold-tempered bodies is no less than a blessing. With a cold-tempered body and a particularly weak cold-tempered body after eating pini, I cannot say that I feel any kind of weakness or pain.

How to Prepare Pini


Its method of preparation is as simple as nature itself. First, put the jaggery in an open vessel. Take a cup of water and sprinkle it all lightly. By melting jaggery, the syrup will be made. Stir this syrup continuously until the syrup thickens. The fire should be made of wood. When jaggery is well syrup, add your ghee to it and keep stirring this mixture until a few drops of syrup are added to the water in another vessel and the drops take the shape of a circle. Once the drops of syrup become circular, remove the syrup mixed with ghee from the fire. Now add fenugreek seeds, gram, rice, wheat, and other ingredients mentioned earlier to this warm syrup. Mix them all well in the syrup and cut them with the designs of your choice after it cools.

This food does not reduce its fertility and effectiveness for several days. On an empty stomach, take it from one hundred to two hundred grams in the morning daily. You can do a little more or less according to your mood. People who have heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes should consult their doctor before eating cheese. In my opinion, I have seen heart and diabetes patients eat small amounts many times.

This food is widely consumed in the subcontinent. The majority of the population in the cities is also deprived of this blessing. That is why the people there know less about this natural food. Most of the sweets on the market today, which are considered to be the best sweets, are made with the same natural food formula. But there is a huge difference in the effectiveness and taste of this food. The source of all of them is this ancient, natural Greek food

The bottle that swings itself


If this food is made and eaten at home with the same natural ingredients and method, then it is so delicious and beneficial that it can be said that you will become addicted to it like a drug and say that if you put it in your mouth, it is not the same as the bottle.

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