Human’s attitude and God

Most Riches Are Wcithes

These are a few billionaires who claim to be educated, civilized, and enlightened. There are more than six billion empty-handed people in front of these few idols. A few people have accumulated so much wealth that it can eliminate all the problems faced by men in the whole world. Millions of people in this world are facing such behaviour of human and black faces of sympathy problems and sufferings, which are enough to make any intelligent person lose their mind.Still man is not ashmed of God.

But people are still adamant that democracy, socialism, or dictatorship are the best systems of government.Because a person is getting p

ersonal interest, he calls it the best system, even if the lives of millions of people are in danger from it. This behaviur is no better than that of hungry wild beasts.The attitudes of humans in this whole situation are condemnable.

Wealth Corrupts Behaviour

Today, we were talking about some gods of wealth. Below is a list of the wealth of some people. After reading this and seeing the list of terrible and tragic sufferings due to poverty in the lives of millions of people, it makes me want to name a person as something worse and dirtier than brutal and cruel. Millions of people are still dying due to poverty, and millions of people are living hellish lives due to poverty. Only the wealth of these few billionaires can bring happiness to the lives of crores of people.

By doing this, the billionaires themselves can have the joys of life like paradise in their lives. A savage and cruel person can’t do the good that would be pure happiness.

God and Man

Our God has said that those who do not act with reason are worse than animals. Look at the small list of billionaires and millions of poor people. Your bare feet will want to mourn on the hot earth. You will believe in human barbarism. These people fully act upon the advice of a doctor or their security guard, but they will not accept the order of their Creator.

Elon Musk: $290.4B 2. Jeff Bezos: $160B
3. Bernard Arnault: $146B 4. Bill Gates: $129B
5. Gautam Adani, $122b
6. 6 Page, $106B 7. Warren Buffet: $104B
8. Sergey Brin, $102B 9. Steve Ballmer, $100
10. Larry Elison: $97.7B 11. Mukesh Ambani, $92.7B 12. Carlos Slim, $73.5B

In this way, this number is in the hundreds. It is far from taking away the wealth from these few billionaires; millions of hungry, naked people are forced to bow down to them. And every real person who rises up against oppression is cut off. This series will continue and will continue forever. Therefore, the Day of Judgment is necessary. There is not even a sound of any special movement by the so-called civilized and enlightened minds against this cruelty, injustice, and cruelty.

In front of us, every day in the world, human beings do hundreds of events and actions, after which most people come to the conclusion that the Day of Reckoning is very important.

Doomsday and God

The human being is well aware of the fact that what is going to happen to me after death and how will I live eternal life? But this savage nature is being subjected to such tortures and injustices that it is like saying, “What will my God do to me?” Man is not ready to accept it because, to accept it, one has to make some difficulties and sacrifices. But for his personal interest and comfort, man is ready to do any oppression and injustice.

To get a very happy, luxurious, and eternal life, man is not ready to live his few years of worldly life with rule and justice. What else can be less rational and miserable than that attitude? That is why God has said that a person who does not act with reason and justice is the worst animal.

Eyes Bleed

In every society, we see a cruel smile and sympathy weep. If you seize it, every wound will bleed. If you sigh, then fear is a disgrace. Don’t panic. Despair is disbelief. Today we see again man’s evil nature and cruel and brutal thinking. It is said that the so-called spirit of sympathy and brotherhood in the village is greater than that of the city. Many other qualities are only known to the villagers. This talk or saying is no less than a myth. We see cruelty everywhere. We find compassion to be a dream. we do what God has forbidden. We are not even ashamed of God for these bad actions.


Some friends will not agree with me. I request that such friends go to a neighboring villager and tell him about your dire need. Provided that this villager relative has no vested interests in you. You put the jam of your need under these so-called expressions of compassion. Here, 95% of the jams will have to be picked up empty. And the few drops that fall in those remaining jams will be enough to embarrass you.


In the guise of a beggar and Sympathy

Suppose you need some money and want to save the life of a loved one. If you look at the face of a questioner, how sad is silence? First of all, you have to adopt the state and appearance of a beggar. You have to bow your head and body, and then you have to submit like this. Brother, you know very well that my financial condition is very bad. My son’s health is very bad, and there is no money for treatment. God has blessed you with every blessing. Lend me some money. I will be grateful to you all my life.

Unheard Excuses for Sympathy of Man of God

So you will get to hear this kind of rare response: “I would be happy to help you, but you probably don’t know that the two or three cars parked outside have to be paid in installments. I am in debt.”. “I have to treat myself,” even if he doesn’t have a cold.” I have to marry my son, even if the daughter is five years old.“I have crops to grow. Otherwise, I would be happy to help you.”.”My case is going on in court. I am also indeed in need of money.”. “I want to take a loan myself.” “Just yesterday, one of my relatives took money from me. Now I am empty-handed.”

“Perhaps you don’t know. The doctor told me about the operation. I will have to borrow from someone myself.””I have already promised to lend to a friend.”I’m going to start building a new house.” “I’m going on a trip with my family next week.”.

The culture, economy, and society of each country may have different answers. I am writing these answers according to the conditions of my society. Your answers can be different.

Shameful Excuses for Sympathy of Man of God

“I would have given you a loan, but I am going on Hajj this year.””I have to work on the graves of my parents.” “I have decided to participate in the election, so I will apologize.” I was going to come to you to take a loan myself.” I’m about to start a new business. I’ll need friends like you myself.””Why didn’t you bear false witness for me last year?”

“Your grandfather was against my grandfather, so I cannot give a loan.””You did not vote for my friend in the election. Now you have come to ask for a loan.””I have to build a place of worship; otherwise, I would have given the money.” “There may be a problem in my house too. Then where will I borrow from?”You will have to hear many more satanic phrases like this.


Bow down to Satan. Kick the so-called humanity and compassion. Salute to cruelty and go home and worry about your loved one. I don’t know how the poet said this. Don’t despise human beings in any form. God walks on earth in disguise 

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