Nobility Of Man And Kind God
Kind God says that I have created man weak. All the nobility of a man is hidden in this weakness. Despite being weak by nature, when a person can keep himself away from unnatural and undesirable natural desires, unnatural material accessories, and undesirable natural pleasures, he steps on the rising ladder of human nobility.
It is natural for such a person to commit mistakes or small sins due to his natural weakness, but God is not bothered by such mistakes. But the common man, due to his lack of knowledge or his bad nature, considers them as a defect and a sin and blames them based on these small mistakes, thus proving himself to be the brother of the devil. When these accusations are spread throughout society, they go to the enemy. The majority of people, who are hypocrites, liars, self-interested, and greedy, make it a part of history by painting it as a blunder.
Nobility Of Prophets Are Not Safe
Here goes the shameful, reprehensible, and unsuccessful attempt to remove a great and God-beloved man from the ladder of ascension. Every great person in history, even the nobility of prophets of God, is not safe because of the bad nature of human beings. You may have seen many very good people around you, but they must be under some accusation. However, the blame that is due to the sin or mistake will be contemptible.
A man should be fully aware of the fact that it is natural for man to commit wrongdoings and minor sins, and God does not object to them because God Himself says, I have created man weak. If a person is deprived of the ability to commit mistakes and sins, then he becomes like an angel. Man is greater than the angels because he has the passion and desire to sin, but he controls himself and endures suffering. But he refrains from sin. God gives him a higher position than the angels. Man becomes a devil because of his evil character, and knowing this fact, he is not ready to accept it; rather, he enjoys this evil character.
This is a noble
All the nobility of a person is due to their natural weaknesses. Hunger is a great weakness for a person. Suppose a loaf of bread is placed in front of a hungry person. By chance, a hungry beggar comes to him and asks for bread. Here begins the test of human greatness. Now, if a hungry person controls his hunger and gives all the bread to this hungry beggar and goes to sleep hungry, then this act is the perfect act of humanity and nobility, where angels bow and descend. If a hungry person eats half of his bread and gives half to a beggar, then this action is also very commendable.
If a hungry person eats a large part of the bread himself and gives a small part to the hungry, then the act of dehumanization starts from here. There are still two stages left. If a hungry person eats a large part of the bread himself and gives a small and weak part to a beggar, then the circle of animalism begins from here. If a hungry person eats all the bread and says to himself that I am hungry, how can I give you bread? From there, the vicious circle begins.
With great sorrow and regret, I have to say that this evil circle has controlled the whole world. O merciful God, I am ashamed. Please forgive me.
Seeing the perfection of human depravity, he would have devoted more time to finding a flaw in the character of those who belong to the realm of aristocracy than to finding dark deeds in the character of those who live in the realm of depravity and evil.
Friends and God’s loved ones also make mistakes. But they immediately apologize to their God for every mistake and repent. God likes this and rewards man so much that He not only forgives the mistakes of man but also increases his position and rank.
If I had not committed any crime, there would be God. God is angry because of my sins