Meat Food Chapal Kabab”

Chapal Kabab

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a mountainous province of Pakistan, a traditional food called Chapal Kebab is very famous. This meat kabab food is delicious, nutritious, and contains purely natural ingredients. Meat is a desirable food for humans. Especially for those who live in mountainous and cold areas, meat is no less than a divine blessing. The people of these areas know best how to prepare meat. Friend! This kabab food is also called seasonal food.

The people of the hilly and cold regions are generally accustomed to a hard life, so a meat diet that is both tasty and nutritious is very important for them. Meat food is not the food of comfortable and comfortable areas. This food is the food of people who live a hard and heavy life.

Temperament Of Body and Kabab Food


All meats, except cow and rabbit meat, are warm. Therefore, warm bodies If they consume more meat, this food causes them harm. Yes, those who live in cold regions can consume more of this food in winter, even if they have hot bodies. But people with stomach, kidney, and heart problems should not consume meat without consulting their doctor. But they should also not consume much meat when the weather becomes normal. It is very necessary to eat seasonal food to maintain health.

But the cold-tempered bodies there can use this food all year round. People with a hot temper should use the meat of cows and goats because their effect is cooling. If they want to eat the meat of other animals, they should boil the meat well in plain water and eat it without ghee or any spices. Read the rest of the details in my blog, Is Meat Human Food? If the meat of any animal is boiled very well in clean water and eaten without any spices or ghee, its effect becomes much less hot. Secondly, this meat proves to be a light food for the stomach. Thirdly, meat cooked in this way is stronger than meat cooked in other ways.

Now let’s talk about the ingredients and recipe of our delicious food, traditionally called Chapal Kebab.



One kg of minced meat, one tablespoon of ginger and garlic paste, one tablespoon of red pepper, one tablespoon of ground white cumin, an egg, two spoons of corn flour, two finely chopped onions, one spoon of raw papaya with peels, four tomatoes, four chopped green chilies, green coriander, half a spoon of turmeric, the juice of one lemon, and half a cup of oil.

Recipe Kabab Food

First, add lemon juice, a little water, and turmeric to your favorite meat mince and boil it well. Remove your boiled mincemeat from the stove. Mix all your remaining ingredients well except oil in this mincemeat, and leave the mincemeat for thirty minutes so that the rest of the ingredients are well absorbed. Now you will have the mincemeat in the form of a paste.

Now pour your oil into an iron pot and heat it well. When the oil is hot, take the right amount of your mincemeat paste and shape it to your liking in the hot oil. Keep changing the side of your mincemeat after intervals so that it cooks well. This process will take about ten minutes. Then you will have a delicious and nutritious chapal kebab meal.


You can eat it with bread, roti, or in the form of roasted mince. I will emphasize again that this seasonal food is for people living in cold regions and physically active people. Second, warm-tempered bodies should prepare their chappal kebabs with beef. Because only beef and rabbit meat are suitable for hot-tempered bodies. I will again emphasize that nearly all natural foods are seasonal. So we should eat them according to the season. If we do not eat accordingly we cannot remain fit.

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