Hareesa Is Seasonal Food
Seasonal Food Based on my experience, Kashmiri harissa is such a seasonal lovely food that once you taste it, you become addicted to it. The name of this food is also included in the famous foods of this region. Keep in mind that most of the foods in the cold region have a hot taste. […]
Jackfruit Food And Kind Nature
Jackfruit Food Is a Gift From Nature Nature is so kind regarding food and the health of the human body that man is unable to appreciate and thank it. A great example of this is jackfruit. Nature knows very well where and in what condition a human being will have to live in this world. […]
Nutritious Meat Kabab Food Recipe
Meat Food Chapal Kabab” In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a mountainous province of Pakistan, a traditional food called Chapal Kebab is very famous. This meat kabab food is delicious, nutritious, and contains purely natural ingredients. Meat is a desirable food for humans. Especially for those who live in mountainous and cold areas, meat is no less […]
Seasonal Pakistani Foods Recipes
Pure Food Pakistani There are still a few areas in the world where the use of purely natural foods continues. Where, despite the lack of education, health, and food facilities, nutritious foods have kept their health intact. One of them is the Baluchistan province of Pakistan. It is where the brave Balochi nation lives. […]
Ancient and Life-Giving Foods
Pure And Powerful Foods Friends! As I mentioned in my last two blogs, there are only a few areas in the world that are still eating pure life_giving and breathing new life into dead body foods from ancient times and these people are fortunately living very close to nature. One of them is the […]
Food،Temperament and Fitness
Food And Temperament Facts In this age of information, nearly everybody knows about the better foods, but I certainly say that a smaller number of people know which is best or worst for their bodies. I try to explain this. Suppose cloves are very nutritious food for the human body, and they have the effect […]