False Religious History
False History Some think that the seer is blind and the hearer is deaf. This is not the fault of hearing and sight. It is the fault of prejudice, hatred, false ego, and lack of knowledge. All of this would have been due to our false religious and secular history and our current false intellectuals. […]
Are We Wild Savage?
We are Savage I wish someone could be called human in this crowd of beasts! Billions of people in the Third World consider the developed nations to be cruel, savage, and cunning wolves. Billions of people in the developed world consider the third world to be ignorant, greedy, and punishable dirty animals. The so-called […]
Cruel and Selfish Humans
Human is Selfish And Cruel Friends, in the previous blog, I mentioned that the documented evidence of the smallness, cruelty, selfishness, and hypocrisy of the elders of the nation and the badness of human beings as a whole will be described in the next blog. These are the pieces of evidence. This situation is universal […]