Temperament and Seasonal Foods

But you can do this two or three times a month, not more. But those who are sick and have a weak stomach can be allowed to do it once a month. Yes, you can do it twice in cold weather.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that bitter foods often have a cooling effect, and every bitter food is more beneficial to the body than sweet foods. Today I shall describe the value of storax and lemon.
Storax Temperament
Storax is a human food that gives strength to the body. Nature has placed 85 minerals in Storax, especially iron, zinc, and magnesium, which give the body a lot of strength and immunity. This natural food should be pure. It is also prepared synthetically. It causes harm instead of benefit. A sign of purity is that when it is put into water, it dissolves.
And when it is reheated, it rises to the surface of the water. It gives the body sexual power. It also significantly improves other common sex problems. It is very effective for the stomach. This natural food increases the digestive power in your stomach and also increases your appetite. It is excellent for back pain and muscle pain.
This food, which is actually a natural medicine, improves our nervous system, thereby improving Alzheimer’s, depression, and mental capacity.
This food accelerates blood circulation in the body, so patients with high blood pressure or heart problems should not use it. Another fact is that all these benefits are for cold-tempered bodies. It is harmful to warm-tempered bodies. Those with hot-tempered bodies who are quite weak due to some disease or any reason can take it once a week with cow milk.
If their body feels the heat, then they should abandon it. People with cold temperaments can use this diet twice a week. The amount of diet should be equal to a small gram of grain. It should be taken with milk. Keep in mind that cow or camel milk is best. Cold temperament. People should also use this natural medicine intermittently. Stop it whenever you feel high heat in your stomach or body.
Lemon Temperament
Lemon is a wonderful fruit of nature that works more as a medicine than a food. This fruit has a cold temperament. Therefore, it is no less effective than an elixir for hot-tempered bodies. Nature has arranged it everywhere. This natural food creates a lot of immunity in the human body. It is a wonderful blessing of nature for the stomach, heart, nervous system, and skin. It has a very pleasant effect on the human mood.
Eating lemons with their peels can build immunity against diseases like cancer. It also improves our neurological diseases. This natural food plays a very important role in weight loss. This is a wonderful food for women. It is the best blessing for every organ of a woman’s body. It is no less than a blessing for poor women. Because, while it has many other medical benefits, this food is also the best beauty salon of nature in the world for women.
A woman who eats two lemons daily and rubs the lemon peel on her face does not need to spend thousands of dollars on makeup. Those who have a hot temper should make lemon a part of their daily diet, especially those who are overweight.
Friend! The person who knows the facts about seasonal food and the temperament of foods, and he never eats them that is out of season or do not match his body’s temperament. He remains fit and healthy. The person who knows this reality often remains ill. Always eat seasonal foods according to your temperament. We are seasonal, and Kind God has created for us four seasons and four temperaments of body. Always eat the food of the season. Food in the winter should be eaten in the summer season. It is against the laws of nature and health.
Today, there are many complaints about the abundance of diseases and the unfitness of every individual. Although medical science has made amazing progress. The abundance and quality of human food have also improved considerably, but the rush of patients in hospitals has become more than before. The biggest reason for this is the lack of seasonal consumption of man-made food and seasonal foods. There is a very simple natural law that a person who consumes seasonal natural food according to the mood of his body and according to the season remains healthy. Whoever does not do this often remains unfit or sick.