Too Cruel and Selfish

Man Is Selfish And Cruel

Friends, in the previous blog, I mentioned that the documented evidence of the smallness, cruelty, selfishness, and hypocrisy of the elders of the nation and the badness of the human being as a whole will be described in the next blog. These are the pieces of evidence. This situation is universal and is not related to any one nation. This bad nature of man has been established for eternity and will remain. 


When the British ruled the subcontinent, some chieftains were apparently leading the way for the political, social, and religious freedom of the nation. At the same time, they were secretly setting humiliating and very despicable examples of slavery for rulers. Famous journalist Vakil Anjum writes in his book “Pharaoh of Politics.”. At the time of the coronation of British King George Edward VII, the so-called freedom fighters of the subcontinent wrote this letter. This letter is in the difficult Urdu language, which cannot be translated well into English. Therefore, the meaning is explained briefly.

First of all, with great humiliation, the king was awarded a very long title. The titles are the same, which you have never described for politeness and respect for God. Such titles, which I consider to be a great insult to humanity,. It was written that we, the chief and the common people, bow down and salute your great country and the light of the crown with devotion. We consider the king a source of blessings, salvation, and guidance. Your coronation day is a very festive one for us. Your loyalists and slaves are full of joy and happiness.

We cannot compete with the rest of the people in knowledge and the arts, but we will not be behind anyone in slavery and loyalty. Keep in mind the shameful words used by the so-called local libertarians for their foreign masters. And at the same time, he used rare spiritual titles for the late queen. He also made an impure attempt to match the honor and dignity of the queen with Hazrat Maryam. So that the king continues to feed bones to hypocrites and traitors.

Acts Of Selfish

The king’s representatives were present on the subcontinent at that time. Even in front of them, the shameful behavior of the so-called leaders of the nation, who called themselves self-liberators, and their large number of followers were similar to that of God and His servant. Humiliating and hypocritical, there were self-interested movements, which are embarrassing to mention. Now let’s try to understand the other meanings of this letter.

The paper on which this letter was written is still drunk with tears and regret. This letter wants to scream and explode, crumble into space, and get lost. The writers of this letter claimed and preached to their millions of devotees day and night that bowing down to anyone other than God is disbelief. And that the neck can be cut off, and no one can be enslaved. But what these preachers wrote to the king is that the devil is hiding his face in shame, saying that man is a bigger devil than me.

The Selfish Kneel

They wrote in the letter that in the highness of the king, the power of justice, kindness, justice, and blessings have been stored. We have had peace and justice during your blessed reign, and we are fortunate to have a good-hearted ruler like you. We and millions of followers have a strong desire that the shadow of the king may remain over our heads. Our desire is that His Highness and His Highness Wife come to India so that our lives and faith can be enlightened. Keep in mind that these very shameful and hypocritical phrases are from religious freedom fighters. They were spiritual and worldly leaders and teachers of millions of people. Millions of devotees used to imagine and do his every word and act as divine words. 

Selfish And Cruel Rule Everywhere

This is not just the story of my country; it is the story of every country. Whether it is the past or the present,. The same situation is called wolves in the form of sheep. This situation is not related to any specific period. This is the story of all time. Man is so bad to Satan that even Satan is not understanding it yet.

In the form of slavery, every evil can be expected from a person, which is not expected in normal circumstances. Slavery is not only in the form of power; it can be in any form, economic, social, religious, or political. Just as your free neighbor can sometimes become your slave in times of need,. Apart from a few out of millions, all human beings practice humiliating behavior except self-righteousness. 

That is why God has said that those who do not obey God and His prophets are worse than animals. God has also said that the majority will be unjust and ungrateful.

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