Great God And Greatness Of Man

Gret man

 Great God Says The Almighty God has said that I have given man a stunning appearance and great intellect, but the man himself has become a victim of degradation. You don’t have to agree. Your opinion can be different. I think 99% of people are trapped by self-interest. The feelings of compassion, love, sincerity, self-sacrifice, […]

Selfishness And Deceitful Humans

Selfishness of Humans

Fell from the sky and traveled to the palm In the previous blog, the journey from a decent person to the police and then to the hospital was covered. Today, we see selfishness, deceitfulness, and unjust behavior in humans. Now you should also look at the court for justice. Maulana Abu Kalam Azad said that […]

Painful Reality And God

God is Love

Painful And Horrible Reality It is a terrible reality that a human being is a painful reality. No one knows the planning and wisdom of Almighty God. Thousands of parents have killed their children. And thousands of sons and daughters have shown their parents the way to the grave. This horrible reality is still going […]