Foods Of Festival And Recipe

Seasonal and Festival Food

 Seasonal Food Of Festival Friends, today I have chosen two seasonal foods and their recipes. We make these foods on the occasion of festivals in our country. These are rarely used daily. Both of them are rich in nutrients. These foods are unique in their taste and desire. But due to poverty and inflation, these foods are […]

Fish is Seasonal Food

Fish Food

Fish Food And Human Health Fish is a great blessing from God for man. The man also likes this blessing very much. Fish is a rare thing for human health. It is undoubtedly one of the few blessings from which no patient can abstain. The only exception to this food is that warm-tempered bodies eat it […]

Appetizing and Seasonal Food And Recipe

Seasonal food Pumpkin

 Appetizing And Seasonal Food Due to numerous psychological problems due to fast food, unnaturally prepared foods, and materialism, most people are facing stomach problems, which are increasing instead of decreasing despite treatment. Because the real reason is not being paid attention to, i.e., natural and simple foods, appetizing food and preparation in these natural ways, […]

Nutritious Meat Kabab Food Recipe

Kabab Food

  Meat Food Chapal Kabab” In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a mountainous province of Pakistan, a traditional food called Chapal Kebab is very famous. This meat kabab food is delicious, nutritious, and contains purely natural ingredients. Meat is a desirable food for humans. Especially for those who live in mountainous and cold areas, meat is no less […]

Biryani Food Of Haider Abad

Biryani Food

Biryani Food Of Hyderabad Hyderabad Deccan, who was once famous for the lifestyle and rule of his Nawabs, is famous worldwide today because of the ingredients unique spices, and foods such as biryani. The main reason for this is the nawabs’ food ingredients and unique types of spices. The Nawabs were also removed after the […]

Tunday Kabab Food Recipe

Tunday Kabab Lucknow is a city in India that was once famous for the Nawabs. Now it is famous for Tunday kebab. Tunde Kebab is so-called because one of the cook’s hands was chopped off. Tunday is the local language word that means a hand cut off. It is a special food for food lovers. […]

A Seasonal Food

Egg Food

Our Health and Seasonal Food   The egg is a complete and seasonal food. All the ingredients required to maintain the good health of the human body are present in this natural, cheap, delicious, nutritious, and easily available pure natural food. Everyone knows the benefits of eggs. But not everyone knows how to cook and […]

Back to Natural Food

  Natural Food The journey of man, which was from nature to the man-made world, has now returned to nature. Although this return is slow, it will soon be complete. The first step, or journey, is toward natural food. Man’s journey toward nature is still confusing. Although nature and natural food are inseparable,. The journey […]