Nutritious Meat Kabab Food Recipe

Kabab Food

  Meat Food Chapal Kabab” In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a mountainous province of Pakistan, a traditional food called Chapal Kebab is very famous. This meat kabab food is delicious, nutritious, and contains purely natural ingredients. Meat is a desirable food for humans. Especially for those who live in mountainous and cold areas, meat is no less […]

A Seasonal Food

Egg Food

Our Health and Seasonal Food   The egg is a complete and seasonal food. All the ingredients required to maintain the good health of the human body are present in this natural, cheap, delicious, nutritious, and easily available pure natural food. Everyone knows the benefits of eggs. But not everyone knows how to cook and […]

Natural Foods and Health

   Natural Foods Are Medicine Today I have chosen bitter gourd, peas, and rice as natural foods that are medicine for health. If you know the temperament of this food, you will find it rich and good medicine as well. Eat according to your body’s temperament. This food will prove to be your medicine as […]

Told Way Of Food

Eat This Food You did not choose to be born, nor did you choose your parents. You didn’t have the right to choose a race, color, country, time, brother, or sister. You don’t have the right to die, and you don’t have the right to hide. There are only two ways that your Creator has […]

A Pure and Umseasonal Food

  A Unique Food I tried a lot, but I couldn’t find the correct English for the “Halwa Food.” Maybe it’s because it’s a unique food of the subcontinent. So I used the local name for it. It is a 100% natural food with an extremely delicious, highly potent, and unique aroma. Another advantage of […]

Meat is human food?

Body Temperament And Meat Food Friends, you know that I write only about natural food and the temperament of the human body, and I believe that if food is not eaten according to temperament, it causes harm instead of benefit. If food is consumed according to temperament, it leads to health. Every natural food, if eaten […]

Bitter Gourd, Peas and Rice are Seasonal Food

Bitter Gourds

Today, I have chosen bitter gourd, peas, and rice as the natural human diet, which are called seasonal foods. If you know the temperament of these foods, you will find them rich and good medicine, too. Eat according to your body’s temperament. This food will also prove your medicine. Otherwise, your best diet can be […]

Fact of Temperament and Food

Food And Temperament   Dear friend! I will again stress that human food is not good for everybody. There is a science of temperament. Without fully knowing it, you cannot remain healthy. Nor can medicine play its role effectively. If a warm-tempered body eats warm food and takes heat-giving medicine, it means you are not […]