Foods and Poison


How useful is food for human health? According to the natural temperament of the human body, how many good and bad effects does this have? We can only call food, which is eaten according to the temperament of the body. I cannot name food that is eaten that is not eaten according to the temperament because that food causes harm to health instead of benefit. So it can be called soft poison, not food.

What is the natural temperament of the human body and how should it use food according to its temperament? This was discussed in the previous blog.

Food you don’t use according to your body’s temperament will cause harm, no matter how good. First, know the temperament of your body, then use natural food. If you do this, even a low-nutrition diet will benefit your body.

 Reality of Temperament

I will say that if the warm-tempered human body is constantly given hot food, his body will break down, even if he stays in Siberia. I would like to stress again, first of all, to make it clear that according to the temperament of your body, it means first to know whether your body is of a hot or cold temperament. A hot-tempered diet is better for a cold-tempered body. And cold-tempered food will be better for a hot-tempered body.

 It is natural that when the weather is hot, you use cold items, and when it is cold, you use hot items. But keep in mind the fact that the temperament of the human body remains the same. If it is cold, it will always be cold; if it is hot, it will be hot. If the warm-tempered human body is constantly given hot food, the body will break down, even if it stays in Siberia.There are some food that can relief your temper mistake.


This fruit has cold-soothing characteristics. The hot body should eat it daily. After a few days, the body temperature will come into moderation. The body will be refreshed. If half a plum is put in water at night and eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, then the liver gets very strong. Sweet plum has more cooling effects than sour. It is very good for a weak stomach and constipation. The cold-tempered body should use it sparingly. If it is sour in taste, it is very useful for women as long as they are warm-tempered. It is better for drying the throat and mouth.

Keep in mind that if the cold-tempered body consumes more of this fruit, it can also get sick, which must be treated by eating hot foods. For the hot body, it is a wonderful fruit that can be proven to be the best tonic to keep the body moderate and healthy.


When the season is off, there is no need to worry. Go to the market and buy dry plums. At night, put one-fifth of a pound in the water. Early in the morning, drink your water. It is a great blessing from God to have warm bodies. No medicine in the world can keep your warm body cool. Here, nature can help you. Believe my world, you are the best doctor for your body. Judge your body first, then treat it with natural food. One day, you will realize there is no need for a doctor everywhere.


Wine of Nature

Grapes are the dancing gift of nature for man. It is hearty food and makes you hearty. Nature sometimes likes to swing itself and its creations. Grapes are nature’s greatest helpers in this regard.
Heat is life and grape juice is the best heat۔ It is also the best medicine for human health. It is mildly hot in terms of properties. Therefore, it can be used by people of all temperaments. It is an invaluable food and medicine, especially for cold-tempered people. It gives energy to the weak body. It is the best medicine for many diseases of the stomach.

Pure Food and Medicine

It strengthens the heart. A person with a hot temper should use this food in small quantities. This food has great results for the nervous weak. It strengthens and nourishes the organ in the human body. It acts as a computer refresh key in our nervous system and no other food has this honor.t is the only human food that changes or forgets the many sorrows of man. If eaten the way John Keats described it, this hearty food can indeed turn sorrow into hearty comfort. It gives new life to a weak stomach. But according to the law of nature, excess of everything is fatal.

.Its vinegar has good effects on health by using it daily but in small quantities. The use of dried grapes for the body of a cold body is marvelous. Grapefruit vinegar does not contain nutrients, but in combination with other nutrients, it provides nutrition to the affected body.

Pretty Food

It also looks like heavenly food for human beings. Pomegranate seeds are not only the best tonic for health but also their bark and their plant bark is the best medicine. If you have pomegranates and you say I have a stomach ailment and weakness, I think you are a liar. Use pomegranate seeds and dried peels daily and use your food according to your body’s temperament. If your stomach and body feel weak so you start eating it in the morning and evening. After a few days, your stomach and body will feel better.
Pomegranate gives more benefits to the hot-tempered body. The cold-tempered body should be used sparingly. Overconsumption causes harm. This beautiful food cleanses our stomach and body waste very well. Makes our face clean and red like it is lovely. Make a poultice of its dry skin and consume one spoon at night while sleeping. It is said to be very useful for the stomach, skin, and mental peace.

For moderate temperaments, every food is good, provided it is used in small quantities. Moderate temperament is lucky. If they eat their food in small quantities, they are often protected from diseases. The disease quickly takes over the body of those who eat food without understanding their mood.

Pomegranate has a pleasant effect on the human nerves. It is very good for inflammation and strength of the stomach and liver. pomegranate peel should be dried and then ground. Taking a spoonful of fennel and small cardamom mixed with it after eating reduces many stomach problems

Nutrient and heaty Food

Meat is a powerful and delicious food. If a person does not use it according to the temperament of his body, it is also very harmful. The flesh of each animal has its own distinct temperament and effect, and it is not advisable to use it without understanding.Today we will talk briefly about the meat of a cow. This meat is cold of effect. It is considered very useful for a warm-tempered body. It softens the mood of the body and thus becomes a part of the body and leads to strength and pleasure. But its excessive use weakens the stomach for a warm-tempered body. It is a source of strength and pleasure. Particularly, the tongue and head meat of cows is best for a warm body.

But if the stomach is weak, its usefulness is greatly reduced. Its daily use is harmful to everyone. The human stomach and temperament of the body have not been made meat friendly. Please use this food carefully. I have considered it necessary to mention beef because apart from rabbit and camel meat beef is the only meat that is good for hot-tempered bodies. All other meats are more hot-tempered, which is harmful to hot-tempered bodies. The effect of buffalo meat is the opposite of the meat of cow, which I will explain in the next blog.

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