Apple And Wheat Food are From Heaven?

Friends, today I will talk about apple and wheat food. According to my research and observation, wheat is the best food for humans in this world. The biggest attribute of this food is that it is good for all temperament human beings. No other food is good for all temperaments, i.e., hot, mild, and cold. […]

Food is Honor

Food is honor Some nations are honorable because of certain good qualities. The same food and hospitality are also good features of a house or nation so great that they make them stand out from other houses or nations. In the past, many families were respectable because their members offered good food to every guest […]

Longevity And BBC

Longevity It has been the desire of every human since time immemorial to find a food, drug, or method that can cause longevity. On June 20, 2022, the BBC presented a report on longevity related to Japan’s people. That was very informative. I am going to present the same report, which will lead to a […]

Cleanliness And Food

Importance Of Cleanliness Cleanliness is half faith. Cleanliness is half of health. Then what happened to the other half? Let me tell you what the other half is. Unless the other half is clean, it is like eating food in which one part is clean and fresh while the other part is tainted or stale. […]

Foods For The Poor

  Free Foods Of Nature For Hot Regions Nature has produced some very simple, very cheap, but very useful foods. These foods can significantly reduce the costs for the poor and improve their health.​There is a summer season. The majority of the world’s population lives in these hot regions. Humans living in these areas are […]

Social Justice And Food

Injustice Kills The Food  Just as it is futile to try to feed a goat by tying it in front of a lion, a healthy goat cannot be kept healthy by being tied to a lion. No living being suffering from grief or any other serious problem like fear feels hungry, then finally its health […]

A Cruel Humans And God

Contradiction Of Cruel Humans  What is the cruelty and injustice that man has not done to his fellow man.? In the field of cruelty, man has put all the animals to shame. But I consider the greatest human cruelty and stupidity to be polytheists, which man does by himself. That is why the kind God says […]

God And Religion

Religion Is Opium? The facts do not allow even a single breath, yes illusions seem very beautiful. The majority of the human population has been uneducated, prejudiced, individualistic, and self-interested since time immemorial. If human nature is studied as a whole, even educated people have been proven to be cruel, hypocritical, self-interested, and liars. What is the […]

Most Liked Natural Foods

Different Kinds Of Foods Kind nature has created many foods that are not eaten but are essential for health, like beautiful scenes,sunshine, good incidents, and golden speech. Similarly, many scenes and things, like bad foods, are harmful to health. Even some scenes and talks that you take inside can force you to go crazy and […]

Foods Of Ancestors

The Story Of The Past  A hundred years ago, the common natural food used by our ancestors was very simple. But in that era, the health of our ancestors was very good. Do you remember that there were only two classes in that era? A royal class in which the king and his courtiers, feudal […]