Are We Wild Savage?

We are Savage

I wish someone could be called human in this crowd of beasts! Billions of people in the Third World consider the developed nations to be cruel, savage, and cunning wolves. Billions of people in the developed world consider the third world to be ignorant, greedy, and punishable dirty animals.


The so-called advanced man with great craftiness and skill has the ignorant man holding a flute in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Or an enlightened person has put a gun in someone’s hand, blindfolded someone’s eyes, and made someone a professional beggar. Two creatures have less love, compassion, and affection for each other than a leopard can have for a deer.

Very Cunning Creature

To reduce the poverty, disease, ignorance, and problems of the people in the world, the so-called educated, civilized, and enlightened people used another terrible and extremely bad trick in this century to make the human being not a slave by a bullet but an economic slave. So that a person is not killed by the easy death of a bullet but humiliated for life. Thus, the World Bank and the IMF were brought into existence.
There are hundreds of examples of this evil and base thinking in front of you. For example, a few years ago, the government of Zaire was given a loan of five billion dollars for the sake of the people, and a few months later, it was found that four billion dollars were in the account of their president. Thus, the creditor praised the president for showing good performance and also cursed the president for showing sympathy to the hungry people.

Wild Savage of East

Indonesia was declared a model state. It was also known that only the accounts of the president of the government have about ten billion dollars. This method has also been invented by these so-called enlightened thinkers to keep one or a few greedy and selfish dogs in every country, who would wag their tails in front of us but would eat and kick the weak and hungry cats of their country at our signal.

Mexico and Argentina were given several hundred billion dollars in loans, but both defaulted. A civilized man proved his complete savagery by raising a few dirty savage dogs everywhere to tear apart his hungry and weak cats b
ecause human brutality can only find comfort when it sees other human beings in agony.

Where Animals Are Better

Whether it is a democratic system or a dictatorship, this brutality and savagery continue in a slightly different form everywhere. Loans given by the same institutions to poor countries with a population of around three billion have not changed the condition of the people, but many countries have worsened. Millions of people are still facing hunger today. They have no access to treatment or education. The dogs of the lenders live many times better than the people of the third world. Nevertheless, these so-called civilized people are stubborn enough to be considered enlightened, and the third world is too ignorant.

Their pets are found everywhere, both
 in democratic and dictatorial forms. Their hungry people not only face painful hunger but also bear terrible cruelties. They face oppression all the time. The condition of the majority of the population is much worse than forest or cave life. But there is not a single nation in the whole world that raises its voice against the oppression and barbarism of these savage and cruel people and their institutions.

Human’s Instinct

It proves that injustice and cruelty are included in human nature. A savage man wants to see other beings in pain and suffering all the time. If you observe every side of the life of this brutal creature, you will come to the same conclusion: man is the worst and biggest savage beast.

God And Man

God has said about people that most people are ignorant and cruel. Most people are ungrateful. Man has proved to be very greedy and selfish. God has also said that those who do not live according to the law given by God and the principles given by His prophets are worse than animal.

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