Kind God(Allah) And Our Criticism

Commands Of God And Our Criticism God’s order is to call people with wisdom and good manners. God’s order is to talk to people according to their mental standards. In the light of these commands from All Powered God, we can understand the purpose and necessity of criticism well. God’s command is not to point […]

Humans Interpretation Of Destiny

What Is destiny? The things or work that you cannot get despite sincerity and hard work are your destiny. Or you get something without hard work, and sincerity is also your destiny. Destiny is that you cannot choose your parents, siblings, country, color, nation, or the time of coming and going in the world. It […]

Dear God and Humanity

Humanity Is The Greatest Duty The greatest work, duty, and worship of man is the service of humanity. A person who believes in God as one, God as his creator and owner, and believes in the Day of Judgment and then spends his life in the service of humanity according to the ability and resources […]

Humans Are Animals?

Humans and Animals Friends, in the previous blog, we talked about our so-called great, wise, and able ruler. This blog is also a continuation of the same link. The Romans also ruled over a large part of the earth for centuries. “Keep in mind I am talking about humans, not savage animals”.These so-called great kings […]

Selfishness And Deceitful Humans

Selfishness of Humans

Fell from the sky and traveled to the palm In the previous blog, the journey from a decent person to the police and then to the hospital was covered. Today, we see selfishness, deceitfulness, and unjust behavior in humans. Now you should also look at the court for justice. Maulana Abu Kalam Azad said that […]

The Selfishness And Hypocrsiy Of Humans

Selfishness of humans

  Rule Of Selfishness Humans and goodness seem to be two contradictory words. The dance of the ghost of selfishness and hypocrisy is happening on Earth all the time. If you like to see this dance, then so-called leaders and the educated people of every nation are enjoying it because these are the people who […]

Are We Wild Savage?

We are Savage   I wish someone could be called human in this crowd of beasts! Billions of people in the Third World consider the developed nations to be cruel, savage, and cunning wolves. Billions of people in the developed world consider the third world to be ignorant, greedy, and punishable dirty animals. The so-called […]

Cruel and Selfish Humans

Human is Selfish And Cruel Friends, in the previous blog, I mentioned that the documented evidence of the smallness, cruelty, selfishness, and hypocrisy of the elders of the nation and the badness of human beings as a whole will be described in the next blog. These are the pieces of evidence. This situation is universal […]